4FIELDS Weekly Energy Report

10/21-10/28 Let’s Talk Energy Monday October 25th 2021 Cosmic Awareness and Schumann Resonance Energy Shifts are Happening! I waited until Monday to post this update as the full effect of Jupiter and Mercury going Direct is finally being felt Monday 10/25. The Full Moon in Aries on 10/20 opened up a portal of energy that […]
Schumann Update:

10/10/2021 We are currently at 59 hours of no Schumann Activity Check back for the next update in 24 hours…
Schumann Update
8/30/2021 There has been a ton of activity being reported from both sources. We should expect some intense energy today as more of this type of activity is expected. Over the next 12-24 hours we should experience changes in our energy fields which will open up areas of awareness in many.
Schumann Update 8/9/2021

The Day after the Lion’s Gate After a very powerful Schumann Spike yesterday during the Lion’s Gate 8/8. From 3:33AM EST to 8:08AM EST the energy spike was charging up and delivered a 4 hour blast of cosmic energy that was felt while many of us slept. So now today it is all about allowing […]
Schumann UPDATE!!

WE ARE BACK ONLINE! Schumann Update:8/7/2021 Power 65 Wake up folks… We are back online after what looks like only 25+ hours off line now that there appears to be yesterday’s activity now available to see today.This can happen if there was a delay in the sources or if the ability to upload becomes unavailable […]
Schumann Update

Good Morning Stars! We have a large Schumann Spike that began around 3am this morning EST. We had some calm energy over the past few days but today expect the unexpected. 4FIELDS Awareness for 8/3/2021: Physical-Body-Actions All those physical symptoms you are experiencing this morning as you awake could be a result of this large […]
Schumann Update 6/16/2021

Schumann Outage 4 Days of Darkness81 Hour of Blackout Data from both sources What has been a very active 4 days of cosmic and celestial activity but the Schumann Resonanace source of data was unable to record it. As we go back online with a recorded Schumann Spike, we notice the energy is shifting. How […]
Schumann Update 5/27/2021

HELLO STARS! After yesterdays Full Moon… (Well it wasn’t just any Full Moon it was a Super Moon, Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse) Schumann Update: 5/27/2021 Power 72 With fluctuations and occultations Power 20-46-56 It’s been an active night and morning of Schumann activity. Physical Symptoms: -Tired -Groggy -Feeling Heaviness, or thick energy today -Feeling like […]