4FIELDS Weekly Energy Report

10/21-10/28 Let’s Talk Energy Monday October 25th 2021 Cosmic Awareness and Schumann Resonance Energy Shifts are Happening! I waited until Monday to post this update as the full effect of Jupiter and Mercury going Direct is finally being felt Monday 10/25. The Full Moon in Aries on 10/20 opened up a portal of energy that […]

October 14th-October 21st Lets talk Energy Cosmic Awareness and the Retrogrades: October 6th kicked off this wild ride of awareness during the New moon and Pluto the Lord of the Underworld and Rebirth turned direct in Capricorn. Currently we are experiencing the effects of Saturn going Direct on 10/10 in Capricorn(Earth) as Jupiter and Mercury […]
Schumann Update:

10/10/2021 We are currently at 59 hours of no Schumann Activity Check back for the next update in 24 hours…
Schumann Update
8/30/2021 There has been a ton of activity being reported from both sources. We should expect some intense energy today as more of this type of activity is expected. Over the next 12-24 hours we should experience changes in our energy fields which will open up areas of awareness in many.
Schumann Update 8/9/2021

The Day after the Lion’s Gate After a very powerful Schumann Spike yesterday during the Lion’s Gate 8/8. From 3:33AM EST to 8:08AM EST the energy spike was charging up and delivered a 4 hour blast of cosmic energy that was felt while many of us slept. So now today it is all about allowing […]
Schumann UPDATE!!

WE ARE BACK ONLINE! Schumann Update:8/7/2021 Power 65 Wake up folks… We are back online after what looks like only 25+ hours off line now that there appears to be yesterday’s activity now available to see today.This can happen if there was a delay in the sources or if the ability to upload becomes unavailable […]
GPH Academy Update!

Green Phoenix Healing Presents: A GPH Academy Production: Gaia Frequency: Volume I: Schumann Resonance Purpose: to provide a positive supportive non-judgmental learning setting for basic understanding of Schumann Resonance: Understanding the levels of Schumann activity for 4FIELD energetic changes through Schumann Resonance Awareness: Basic Level: $25.00 per person Intro to Schumann Resonance 60 Minutes Advanced Level: $50.00 […]
Schumann Update

Good Morning Stars! We have a large Schumann Spike that began around 3am this morning EST. We had some calm energy over the past few days but today expect the unexpected. 4FIELDS Awareness for 8/3/2021: Physical-Body-Actions All those physical symptoms you are experiencing this morning as you awake could be a result of this large […]
Schumann Update 6/16/2021

Schumann Outage 4 Days of Darkness81 Hour of Blackout Data from both sources What has been a very active 4 days of cosmic and celestial activity but the Schumann Resonanace source of data was unable to record it. As we go back online with a recorded Schumann Spike, we notice the energy is shifting. How […]
Schumann Update 5/27/2021

HELLO STARS! After yesterdays Full Moon… (Well it wasn’t just any Full Moon it was a Super Moon, Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse) Schumann Update: 5/27/2021 Power 72 With fluctuations and occultations Power 20-46-56 It’s been an active night and morning of Schumann activity. Physical Symptoms: -Tired -Groggy -Feeling Heaviness, or thick energy today -Feeling like […]