March 21st 2022
Hello there Stars!
Spring is here!
Let’s get ready to bring higher awareness of Spring Cleaning for our Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit
What are the 4FIELDS of Energy for Spring?
Spring Cleaning the 4FIELDS
Letting Go of old/stagnant energy by melting away and dissolving old physical, emotional, mentally and spiritual distractions, distortions, and other means of suppressing the Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit
The 4FIELDS of Spring
The Earth is warming up in the Northern hemisphere as we can feel the start of physical growth and new paths of activity for exploration.
As the temperatures start climbing above 50 degrees we will be shifting into more of detox phase for the Body, especially for the liver.
Breathing and Sweating are the two best ways to burning fat and losing weight for the Body.
It’s recommended that we get at least 20 minutes a day of physical activity.
How are you getting yourself moving again?
What type of diet are you eating?
Manifesting your goals by walking and getting things out of your mind and into the right action.
Do you know your symptoms for a Physical Energy Field Detox?
Physical Energy Field Symptoms
-Body feels heavy-Toxic
-Body non-movement, stagnant
-Feeling not grounded
-Bad choices in activity and nutrition
-Actions are non-inspired
Take these steps to refresh your Physical Energy Field
Physical Energy Field Refresh:
Hydrate-Greens and H2O
Move-change your physical perspective by moving your body
Ground Yourself-
Ground out positive ions
Ground in negative ions
Activate your higher physical awareness
Spring has a feeling like no other season.
It’s the feeling of rejuvenation, rebirth, and growth.
The positive feeling of Spring helps to shed the layers of stagnation from the way we think, how we can feel, what we can do and why we believe.
As we dissolve these past feelings of isolation and winters grip of despair we open up new areas of growth and healing.
Do you know your symptoms for an Emotional Energy Field Detox?
Emotional Energy Field Symptoms
-Heart heavy/Feeling off in heart space
-Emotions conditionally based
-Feeling too much of others emotions
Heavy Sympathizer/Clogged Empathy
-Feelings are victim mentality based
Take a breath and refresh your Emotional Energy Field
Emotional Energy Field Refresh:
Breath into your heart space
Breath out unwanted emotions
Open your heart to nature
Let nature guide your heart
Connect with Moving Water
Ocean, or River therapy opens the heart space
Clear your mind…
It’s not easy to do.
Winter can have a negative effect on the mind.
Spring cleaning your Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit, and LIVING SPACE can have positive shift in your mental health and bring you clarity for new spring projects.
Stay active with your thought process and allow yourself to select the right seed to plant for Summer’ harvest.
Do you know your symptoms for a Mental Energy Field Detox?
Mental Energy Field Symptoms:
-Mind Overthinking/not thinking clearly
-Increase in negative self talk
-Failure to comprehend anything new
-Lack of clarity for expressing yourself to others
Take a mental break and refresh your way of thinking
Mental Energy Field Refresh:
Take a walk in a pine forest to clear your mind
Pine trees produce pine resin that helps open the third eye
Change your perspective
Ground your thoughts with your senses in nature
Nature opens up our intuition
Open a new book
Journal your journey
Spring strengthens our spirit by shifting our limited beliefs of stagnation into new possibilities of growth.
As the warmer months arrive it will usher in a higher perspective to reconnect with nature or increase our current connection.
Do you know your conditions for a Spiritual Energy Field Detox?
Spiritual Energy Field Symptoms:
-Spirit/Disconnection from your higher self
-Spirit/Focus on Negative self beliefs
-Spirit/Feeling of separation from spirit
-Spirit/Actions, Feelings, and Thoughts not in alignment with your own beliefs
Time to mediate with Spirit and Refresh your soul
Spiritual Energy Field Refresh:
Meditate, Process, Align
Meditate on your higher self
Get connected to the holistic version of your total self
Connect to duality of these lower
Feelings and Thoughts to find the blockage to how you process higher actions into higher beliefs