Schumann Update:

Power 65
Wake up folks…
We are back online after what looks like only 25+ hours off line now that there appears to be yesterday’s activity now available to see today.
This can happen if there was a delay in the sources or if the ability to upload becomes unavailable which this is likely what happened.
We have had some silent or as I like to call them stealth Schumann spikes while we didn’t have the sources to confirm but now we can clearly see yesterday was very active.
Today we are also at Power 65 and
Here’s the report from the Italian source:
Schumann Resonance Today 8/7
The data stream and the site are back, although not at the same time, the site came back online during the UTC night while the data had a 25-hour blackout, from 2:30 am on August 5th to 3:30 am on August 6th.
On August 6th, yesterday, there were significant movements with large frequency oscillations that led to two periods of activity, the first from 4 to 7 UTC with two peaks at Power 50 and Power 47; the second period was more intense, from 15 to 18 UTC the strong frequencies variations led the Amplitude to reach Power 65 at 16 UTC. From 18 UTC yesterday, total calm returned with all the frequencies on the base value and the other parameters on calm values.