4FIELDS topic:
What is judgement?
What does it mean to judge someone?
What does it feel like to be judged?
Who judges?
How many people don’t judge?
What do we
We judge everything.
From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep our minds are consciously and subconsciously judging ourselves and others.
4FIELDS Judgement:
Awareness of how Judgement effects our Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit
The Physical Judgement
The matters of the physical body an the conditions of our actions to be judged.
The parts of the body of ourselves and others.
The actions of ourself and others.
The foods we eat or don’t eat or others eat.
The things we do or don’t do for our bodies.
“The physical conditions are the contract to allow judgement to participate in ourself and others.
4FIELDS Action of Repair:
Physical Energy Field
Mirror Work
How do you truly see yourself?
See your Body.
Naked Therapy
If you can look in a mirror and see yourself for who you are without judging any area of yourself then you can also not judge anyone else’s body.
Body shamming someone else is only a reflection of your insecurities to see of yourself in the mirror.
The Emotional Judgement
The matters of the heart that have conditions to be judged.
The feelings we have for ourself and others that we can apply any condition to.
The way we judge an emotion of others by the reaction in our mood.
The way we give physical conditional love is based on what kind of love response we are seeking and the emotional response from the other person.
Compassion with Empathy or Bypass Emotions
“Our conditional reactions to emotions are the contract in which all judgement occurs.”
4FIELDS Action of Repair:
Emotional Energy Field
Feelings Journey
Take a trip within your heart.
First stop…Review all the times you were judged based on your empathy, compassion, or emotional response.
How did that make you feel?
Take a moment to reflect.
Second stop…Review all the times you judged someone else for being insensitive to their feelings or being too sensitive to showing fake empathy or “Emotional Emptythy”.
Now remember how both of these feel.
Do better.
For yourself and with other peoples feelings.
The Mental Judgement
The matters of the mind and the ways we express our true self and the methods of mental judgment.
The way we think and how we react through our expressions.
The way we express facts or content that are conditional to knowledge or open to criticism.
The process of understanding logic and reasoning delivers new pathways of cognitive judgement.
“All thoughts that arise from conditions create areas of judgement.”
4FIELDS Action of Repair:
Mental Energy Field
Mental Journey:
Using Cognitive Discernment to determine Cognitive Dissonance
Think about this.
We can take any thought and expand on it.
Break it down to its parts.
In mental Perspective this is called Cognitive Discernment.
This is a form of judgement that is required by everyone to use.
Works on everything with conditions that help bring clarity and awareness to all types of situations, discussions, and debates.
Only catch it doesn’t work on unconditional thinking because those are matters of the heart.
What cognitive discernment can do is help lift any fog of false information, fake knowledge or mental propaganda that can help shift the mind from the battle of cognitive dissonance.
Every thought that creates a change in perception in which you can establish two perspectives of understanding is the area where judgement can find a home in the mind.
The Spiritual Judgement
The matters of our own belief vs the beliefs of others.
What I believe may be different than what you believe.
Some religious can deny another persons beliefs based on their own monotheistic one minded view of GOD or the eternal light.
The way I pray vs meditate.
It’s the same thing. Just one way the intention is to a God, Master, person or thing, and the other is the intention is set in yourself, to be just present and to be open to receive from the universal light perspective.
the belief one has or the belief we have.
“All beliefs of something creates areas of judgement. Even a belief of nothing can create areas of judgement. Only the faith in our belief can not be judged by others but only ourselves.”
4FIELDS Action of Repair:
Spiritual Energy Field
Meditation with your Higher Self
Work out your own connections to your beliefs with spirit.
Speak with your Higher Self and bring any areas of discussion for discernment and judgement there.
It’s better to be judged by spirit than mocked by our peers.
Especially when you are developing your intimate and personal connection to spirit.
Once again I thank you for taking part in these 4FIELDS Journeys
Cosmically Yours,