“Are you aware of the darkness of hate?
Are you afraid?
Why not?
Because I am focused on how humanity can come together and be inspired by love.”
Hate isn’t hiding.
It’s out.
Running around with Fear.
What hate knows and hopes you don’t is that when love is present hate runs away.
What hate doesn’t know but you do is that love is stronger with collective compassion.
Like the power of a hug without judgement can ignite the power of gratitude within both people.
Like the moment that love shows up with support when one has been surrounded by hate.
Love creates collective order,
hate makes chaos.
What hate wants is what bad judgment wants.
What love wants is what the heart wants.
Inspiration through love can bring all points of judgement together.
Love can unite all conflicted minds by sharing our collective compassion from our hearts.
Love has the power to stop hate with collective kindness.
Love when United Dissolves Hate.
Love takes kindness and applies it to the wounds of hate.
Love is the collective forces of allowing all types of humanity to come together to form Human Kind.