Volume I:
Walking the Gray Areas of Reality
Fact Checkers VS
Negative Opinions
My Opinion:
Both Same Energy.
I am never too concerned about the fact checker, but I am more concerned with everyone’s attention, reaction, and response to negative opinions.
Everyone has a different perspective Because of the lens they are using to see and the mind that is interpreting the information being presented.
This perspective brings information that you have that might be different than mine. The gray area of truth lies within our opinions and facts.
Opinions can use facts to benefit a belief or manipulate the facts and deliver an alternative truth.
This is still a very small portion of the total energy awareness of the universe. An opinion and information fact checked provide very little information.
We can have informed opinions and uninformed opinions. They both still provide about 5-10% of information to formulate the holistic approach to Energy Awareness of the Truth.
When we make up our own minds we find the image within.
We can make up what ever we want in our own minds, but how it becomes a spoken opinion is determined by how it is interpreted by other people.
We all could recall or imagine what our cells are like within. Without any fact checker to confirm validity or without one persons negative opinion about what it is suppose to look like or what it really is.
It’s the same amount of energy.
Negative opinions and fact checking are equal energy.
They both provide you with so much to react on but our own internal response to someone else’s reaction determines our reactive potential.
We can not let someone’s negative opinion or any fact checkers reactive information to determine our critical cognitive dissonance response. That’s a fine line on where we argue and fight for no reason.
Come back to compassionate responses instead of impulses reactions to little information.
I look for the quality in the response and the quantity of the reaction. If the reaction is greater based on just one opinion than we can learn to just take it as it is.
I like to say everyone has something to sell in their opinion but not everyone has to buy it. You can listen but you don’t need to comprehend unless you intend it.
If we can stay centered in the responsibility of finding better responses we can eliminate the consequences of reaction to lower vibrational reactions.
I appreciate integrity of information and the pursuit of truth in this world.
But I also appreciate the free thinkers and those that can surf the fine line of dissecting the reaction of partial information to the holistic approach to utilizing patience, and cognitive dissonance to formulate a compassionate response based on all information including wisdom from higher awareness.